Agricultural ServicesGrocery Stores
About Us
Panhandle Coop was formed in 1942 with 60 members. Today, the cooperative has over 20,000 members with over 350 employees.
We are a diversified company providing products and services in petroleum, crop production and retail. Our retail stores consist of
convenience stores, dispensing stations, car and truck service, ag chemicals and fertilizer plants, crop consulting and grocery stores.
The cooperative is owned by the people who use it and it is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the stockholders. Patrons
may participate in annual patronage dividends based upon their purchases during the year and the cooperative's profit.
Panhandle Coop differentiates itself by committing to the company's core values and product, demonstrating hard work and the desire
to have fun. Panhandle Coop's success is in its employees, therefore, our goal is to provide a positive working environment and
recognize our employees' hard work and contribution.
Our company is dedicated to our communities. We are members of local Chambers of commerce, 4-H and FFA sponsorship, United
Way Corporate Sponsor and employee involvement of Adopt-A-School programs, Keep Scottsbluff/Gering Beautiful and Nebraska
Lottery. Many employees are also members of their local volunteer fire departments as well as many other community programs.
Vision Statement: To be the leading supplier of goods and services by investing in the future of our employees, patrons, and communities.